In the Bible, “phronesis” refers to practical wisdom or discernment, emphasizing the ability to make sound judgments in everyday life. It is often associated with prudent decision-making and moral insight, as seen in Proverbs and the teachings of Jesus.
1 My son, if you receive my words
and treasure up my commandments with you,
2 making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
3 yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
4 if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures,
5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
6 For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
7 he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity,
8 guarding the paths of justice
and watching over the way of his saints.
9 Then you will understand righteousness and justice
and equity, every good path;
10 for wisdom will come into your heart,
and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;
11 Discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you,
12 delivering you from the way of evil,
from men of perverted speech,
13 who forsake the paths of uprightness
to walk in the ways of darkness,
14 who rejoice in doing evil
and delight in the perverseness of evil,
15 men whose paths are crooked
and who are devious in their ways.
Phronesis: Wisdom in the Bible
The concept of “phronesis” in the Bible, which can be translated as practical wisdom or prudence, plays a crucial role in understanding how to navigate the complexities of life. Found mostly in the book of Proverbs, wisdom is often personified and described as essential for living a life that is pleasing to God and beneficial to others. Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” This verse underscores the reliance on divine guidance for making wise choices, suggesting that phronesis is not merely a human endeavor but intertwined with faith and trust in God’s sovereignty.
In the New Testament, Jesus embodies this practical wisdom through His teachings and parables, inviting His followers to cultivate discernment in their relationships and decision-making processes. For example, in Matthew 10:16, Jesus instructs His disciples, “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Here, the call for wisdom, coupled with innocence, reflects a balanced approach that embodies phronesis: being astute in understanding one’s environment while maintaining moral integrity. Thus, the broader meaning of phronesis encompasses not just intellectual understanding but a holistic integration of knowledge, virtue, and divine guidance to live out one’s faith effectively in everyday situations.
Expanding on the theme of “phronesis,” it is important to note that this concept often appears in conjunction with the idea of spiritual maturity found throughout the New Testament. For instance, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the need for discernment in his letters, particularly in Ephesians. He instructs believers to be careful how they walk, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:15-16). This call to wisdom points to the necessity of aligning one’s actions with a deeper understanding of God’s will, reinforcing that phronesis is about living life in a way that consciously reflects spiritual truths and priorities.
Furthermore, the book of James provides insight into the relationship between wisdom and faith. James posits that if anyone lacks wisdom, they should ask God, who generously gives to all without finding fault (James 1:5). This notion highlights that phronesis is not merely the result of experience or human reasoning but is inherently tied to divine counsel and revelation. By seeking wisdom from God, believers can cultivate a perspective that transcends their circumstances, allowing them to respond to challenges with grace and understanding. Thus, phronesis encompasses both the wisdom gained through personal experience and the insight imparted through a relationship with God, enabling individuals to make judicious choices that align with their faith.
Wisdom in Decision-Making
Phronesis, often translated as “practical wisdom” or “prudence,” emphasizes the importance of making sound decisions based on experience and moral insight. In the biblical context, this form of wisdom is not merely intellectual knowledge but involves the ability to apply understanding in real-life situations. It encourages believers to seek guidance from God and to consider the ethical implications of their choices, leading to actions that align with divine principles.
The Integration of Knowledge and Action
Another broader meaning of phronesis in the Bible is the integration of knowledge and action. It signifies the ability to discern the right course of action in various circumstances, blending theoretical understanding with practical application. This concept highlights that true wisdom is not just about knowing what is right but also about doing what is right. It calls for a holistic approach to life, where faith and works are intertwined, reflecting a life lived in accordance with God’s will.
Community and Shared Wisdom
Phronesis also encompasses the idea of communal wisdom, where individuals draw on the collective experiences and insights of their community. In biblical teachings, this aspect of phronesis encourages believers to engage with one another, sharing knowledge and learning from each other’s experiences. This communal approach fosters a deeper understanding of God’s ways and promotes unity within the body of Christ, as individuals support one another in their pursuit of wisdom and righteousness.
How to Seek Divine Guidance in Decision-Making
Seeking divine guidance in decision-making is a deeply personal journey that requires both intention and openness. Start by immersing yourself in prayer, inviting God into your thought process and asking for clarity and wisdom. As you pray, take time to listen; sometimes, the answers come in the stillness of your heart rather than in loud proclamations. Engaging with Scripture can also illuminate your path—verses like Proverbs 3:5-6 remind us to trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding. Surround yourself with a community of fellow believers who can offer counsel and support, as their insights can often reflect God’s will for you. Finally, be patient and trust the timing; divine guidance may not always come in the way you expect, but with faith and perseverance, you will find the direction you seek. Remember, it’s not just about making the right choice, but about growing closer to God through the process.
Bible References to the Meaning of Phronesis:
Proverbs 3:13-18: 13 Blessed is the one who finds wisdom,
and the one who gets understanding,
14 for the gain from her is better than gain from silver
and her profit better than gold.
15 She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
16 Long life is in her right hand;
in her left hand are riches and honor.
17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
and all her paths are peace.
18 She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called blessed.
Proverbs 8:1-21: 1 Does not wisdom call? Does not understanding raise her voice?
2 On the heights beside the way, at the crossroads she takes her stand;
3 Beside the gates in front of the town,
at the entrance of the portals she cries aloud:
4 “To you, O men, I call, and my cry is to the children of man.”
5 O simple ones, learn prudence;
O fools, learn sense.
6 Hear, for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right.
7 for my mouth will utter truth;
wickedness is an abomination to my lips.
8 All the words of my mouth are righteous;
there is nothing twisted or crooked in them.
9 They are all straight to him who understands,
and right to those who find knowledge.
10 Take my instruction instead of silver,
and knowledge rather than choice gold,
11 for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her.
12 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion.”
13 The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.
14 I have counsel and sound wisdom; I have insight; I have strength.
15 By me kings reign, and rulers decree what is just;
16 By me princes rule, and nobles, all who govern justly.
17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
18 Riches and honor are with me,
enduring wealth and righteousness.
19 My fruit is better than gold, even fine gold, and my yield than choice silver.
20 I walk in the way of righteousness,
in the paths of justice,
21 granting an inheritance to those who love me, and filling their treasuries.
Proverbs 9:1-12: 1 Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn her seven pillars.
2 She has slaughtered her beasts; she has mixed her wine; she has also set her table.
3 She has sent out her young women to call from the highest places in the town,
4 “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!”
5 “Come, eat of my bread and drink of the wine I have mixed.”
6 Leave your simple ways, and live, and walk in the way of insight.
7 Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse,
and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury.
8 Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you.
9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.
11 For by me your days will be multiplied,
and years will be added to your life.
12 If you are wise, you are wise for yourself;
if you scoff, you alone will bear it.
Proverbs 16:16-22: 16 How much better to get wisdom than gold!
17 The highway of the upright turns aside from evil; whoever guards his way preserves his life.
18 Pride goes before destruction,
and a haughty spirit before a fall.
19 It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud.
20 Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.
21 The wise of heart is called discerning, and sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness.
22 Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it,
but the instruction of fools is folly.
Proverbs 19:8-11: 8 Whoever gets sense loves his own soul;
he who keeps understanding will discover good.
9 A false witness will not go unpunished,
and he who breathes out lies will perish.
10 It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury, much less for a slave to rule over princes.
11 Good sense makes one slow to anger,
and it is his glory to overlook an offense.
Proverbs 24:3-7: 3 By wisdom a house is built,
and by understanding it is established;
4 by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
5 A wise man is full of strength,
and a man of knowledge enhances his might,
6 for by wise guidance you can wage your war,
and in abundance of counselors there is victory.
7 Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the gate he does not open his mouth.
Isaiah 11:1-5: 1 There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.
2 And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
3 And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear,
4 but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; and he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked.
5 Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist,
and faithfulness the belt of his loins.
Daniel 2:20-23: 20 Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might.
21 He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;
22 he reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him.
23 To you, O God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for you have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of you, for you have made known to us the king’s matter.
Matthew 7:24-27: 24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.
26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.
27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.
Luke 1:17: 17 and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.”
Luke 2:40-52: 40 And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him.
41 Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.
42 And when he was twelve years old, they went up according to custom.
43 And when the feast was ended, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents did not know it,
44 but supposing him to be in the group they went a day’s journey, but then they began to search for him among their relatives and acquaintances.
45 And when they did not find him, they returned to Jerusalem, searching for him.
46 After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.
47 And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.
48 And when his parents saw him, they were astonished. And his mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us so? Behold, your father and I have been searching for you in great distress.”
49 And he said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
50 And they did not understand the saying that he spoke to them.
51 And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.
52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.
Romans 11:33-36: 33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?”
35 “Or who has given a gift to him
that he might be repaid?”
36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
1 Corinthians 1:18-31: 18 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
19 For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.”
20 Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.
22 For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom,
23 but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles,
24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
26 For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.
27 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;
28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are,
29 so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.
30 And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption,
31 so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”
Ephesians 1:15-23: 15 For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints,
16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers,
17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him,
18 having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,
19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might
20 that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places,
21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.
22 And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church,
23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.
Colossians 1:9-14: 9 And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
10 so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;
11 May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy,
12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
13 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son,
14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Colossians 2:1-5: 2 For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face,
2 that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ,
3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
4 I say this in order that no one may delude you with plausible arguments.
5 For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ.
James 1:5-8: 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.
7 For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;
8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
James 3:13-18: 13 Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.
14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.
15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
Reverend Ogunlade is a seasoned Church Minister with over three decades of experience in guiding and nurturing congregations. With profound wisdom and a serene approach, Reverend Ogunlade has carried out various pastoral duties, including delivering uplifting sermons, conducting religious ceremonies, and offering sage counsel to individuals seeking spiritual guidance. Their commitment to fostering harmony and righteousness within their community is exemplified through their compassionate nature, making them a beloved and trusted figure among the congregation.