What does Exodus 3:1-3 really mean?

Exodus 3:1-3 is about the transformative power of encountering the divine presence in the ordinary moments of life, as exemplified by Moses encountering God in the burning bush while tending his father-in-law’s flock.

1 Now Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, and he led his flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.
2 And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. He looked, and behold, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed.
3 And Moses said, “I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned.”


Setting the Scene for Exodus 3:1-3

In Exodus chapter 3, we find Moses, a former prince of Egypt turned shepherd, tending to his father-in-law Jethro’s flock in the wilderness near Mount Horeb. The scene is set in the vast and rugged terrain of the desert, with the scorching sun beating down on the sandy landscape. As Moses guides the sheep through the rocky terrain, the sound of their bleating echoes in the distance.

Suddenly, Moses notices a strange sight—a bush that is engulfed in flames but is not being consumed by the fire. Intrigued and drawn to the miraculous sight, he approaches the burning bush. As he gets closer, a voice calls out to him from the midst of the flames, revealing itself to be the voice of God. Overwhelmed by the presence of the divine, Moses is instructed by God to remove his sandals, for he is standing on holy ground. This encounter marks the beginning of a pivotal moment in Moses’ life, as God commissions him to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. The burning bush becomes a symbol of God’s presence and power, a beacon of hope and guidance in the midst of the wilderness.

What is Exodus 3:1-3 about?

Imagine being Moses, just going about your daily routine tending to your sheep when suddenly you encounter a miraculous sight: a bush engulfed in flames, yet not consumed by the fire. A voice calling out to you reveals itself to be the voice of God as you draw closer. Can you fathom the awe and wonder that must have filled Moses’ heart in that moment? The encounter with the divine in such a tangible and powerful way must have been overwhelming yet unforgettable.

This encounter marks the beginning of a journey filled with challenges, doubts, and ultimately, redemption. Through this divine encounter, God entrusts Moses with the monumental task of leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. This verse encapsulates the theme of transformative encounters with the divine, where ordinary individuals are called to extraordinary missions by the hand of God. It shows us that our lives can be forever changed when we are willing to listen and respond to the call of the divine, even if it requires stepping out of our comfort zones and facing daunting obstacles. Let us reflect on this verse and consider how we can, like Moses, be open to the unexpected ways in which God may be calling us to serve and make a difference in the world.

Understanding what Exodus 3:1-3 really means

In the wilderness of Horeb, a pivotal moment unfolds as Moses tends to his father-in-law’s flock. This setting, seemingly mundane, becomes the backdrop for a profound encounter with the divine. The historical significance of this event cannot be overstated, as it marks the beginning of Moses’ journey towards liberating the Israelites from Egypt, guided by God’s hand.

As the angel of the Lord appears to Moses in flames of fire from within a bush, the imagery of fire symbolizes not only God’s presence but also His purity and power. The miraculous sight of the burning bush that remains unconsumed captivates Moses, hinting at God’s eternal nature and His transcendence over the natural order. Moses’ response, “I will go over and see this strange sight,” reflects his curiosity and openness to exploring the mysteries of God—a trait that we, too, can cultivate in our spiritual journey.

Drawing parallels with other biblical passages, such as Isaiah’s vision in the temple and Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus, we see a recurring theme of transformative divine encounters leading to significant missions. The burning bush serves as a powerful symbol of God’s presence, echoing Hebrews 12:29’s depiction of Him as a consuming fire, underscoring His awe-inspiring might and holiness.

In our contemporary context, the story of Moses invites us to be attuned to divine encounters in our daily lives. Just as Moses stumbled upon the burning bush unexpectedly, we, too, may find God’s presence in the ordinary and the extraordinary moments of our lives. Emulating Moses’ curiosity and openness can lead us to deeper spiritual insights and a clearer understanding of our calling and purpose.

Consider a personal anecdote where someone, feeling stuck in their routine like Moses tending sheep, encounters a seemingly ordinary situation that sparks a profound shift in their life’s trajectory. This narrative mirrors Moses’ experience with the burning bush, illustrating how God can use unexpected events to nudge us towards our true calling and purpose.

As we reflect on Moses’ response to the burning bush, let us also examine our own reactions to the unexpected in our lives. Are we open to the possibility that these moments could be divine invitations, beckoning us towards a greater purpose? May we approach each “burning bush” moment with attentiveness and receptivity, recognizing them as God’s gentle guidance towards fulfilling our unique destinies.

What is God calling me to do?

Through the story of Moses and the burning bush, God is showing us that he calls each of us to a specific purpose or mission. Just like how God called Moses to free his people from slavery in Egypt, God calls each of us to bring about justice, love, and freedom in our own unique way. God may be calling you to a specific task or role that will contribute to the greater good and the kingdom of God on earth.

When we are attentive and open to God’s calling, we are able to hear His voice and discern His will for our lives. This requires a willingness to listen, to be still, and to trust in God’s guidance. We are called to approach God with humility, reverence, and an open heart, just as Moses had to take off his sandals in the presence of the burning bush. God may be calling you to step out of your comfort zone, to take a leap of faith, and to trust in His plan for your life. Reflect on how God might be calling you to step up, speak out, or make a difference in the world around you as you consider the story of Moses and the burning bush. Listen for God’s voice in the quiet moments of prayer and reflection, and be open to the ways in which He is nudging you towards fulfilling your unique purpose in His kingdom. Trust that God equips those He calls, and know that He will be with you every step of the way.


Uncover the burning bushes in your life, those moments where divinity whispers your name, beckoning you towards purpose and fulfillment. Just like Moses, embrace the unexpected encounters that lead you to your divine calling. Listen keenly to the echoes of God’s voice, guiding you towards your destined path. The time is ripe to embrace your calling and step into the light of purpose. Are you willing to heed the call and walk boldly into the magnificent journey that awaits you?