What does Hebrews 11:1 really mean?

1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.


Setting the Scene for Hebrews 11:1

In Hebrews chapter 11, the author sets the scene by describing a gathering of faithful individuals who have demonstrated unwavering trust in God throughout history. The setting is a metaphorical cloud of witnesses, encompassing a diverse group of believers from different time periods and backgrounds. These individuals have all faced trials and challenges, yet they persevered in their faith, serving as examples for future generations.

Among the notable figures present in this scene are Abraham, Moses, David, and Rahab, each with their own stories of faith and obedience to God. Abraham, known as the father of faith, is there for his willingness to follow God’s call to leave his homeland and trust in God’s promises. Moses, the great leader of the Israelites, is honored for his courage in leading his people out of Egypt. David, the shepherd king, is remembered for his heart of worship and repentance. Rahab, the prostitute turned believer, is commended for her bravery in hiding the Israelite spies.

The surroundings of this scene are depicted as a heavenly gathering, where these faithful witnesses are cheering on and encouraging believers on earth to continue in their faith journey. The atmosphere is one of celebration and encouragement, as these heroes of faith serve as a reminder that God is faithful and worthy of our trust.

What is Hebrews 11:1 about?

This verse from Hebrews 11:1 beautifully captures the essence of faith – it is a profound trust and belief in things that are not yet seen or fully realized. When planning a lesson, teachers have faith that their students will grasp the concepts even before seeing their understanding in action. Similarly, faith in a larger spiritual context is about having confidence in our hopes and dreams, even when they seem out of reach or invisible to the naked eye.

When reading this verse, reflect on the idea of holding onto your aspirations with unwavering assurance, despite any doubts or challenges that may arise. How does this concept of faith resonate with your own life experiences? Have there been times when you had to trust in a positive outcome without concrete evidence? This verse encourages us to cultivate a mindset of positivity and certainty in our beliefs, allowing us to move forward with determination and resilience, even when faced with uncertainty. So, as you ponder the meaning of this verse, consider how you can apply its message of faith and hope to your own journey, embracing the unseen with unwavering confidence.

Understanding what Hebrews 11:1 really means

Structure of the Commentary:
1. Introduction to the verse
2. Explanation of key phrases
3. Cross-references in the Bible
4. Relevance to contemporary life
5. Anecdote for practical understanding
6. Conclusion and reflective questions


1. Introduction to the Verse:
This verse from Hebrews is a foundational scripture in understanding the essence of faith. It succinctly encapsulates what faith entails and sets the stage for the entire chapter, which highlights the faith of many biblical figures.

2. Explanation of Key Phrases:
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Here, “substance” implies that faith gives tangible reality to our hopes. It is not just wishful thinking; it is a firm foundation. The phrase “evidence of things not seen” suggests that faith acts as proof of the unseen realities we believe in, such as God’s promises and His character.

3. Cross-references in the Bible:
To deepen our understanding, we can look at Romans 8:24, which states, “For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?” Additionally, 2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” These verses reinforce that faith deals with the unseen and the future, echoing the sentiments of Hebrews 11:1.

**4. This verse invites us to embrace a different kind of assurance in today’s world, where empirical evidence and tangible results often hold the most value. Faith encourages us to trust in God’s promises even when we cannot see immediate results. It’s a call to move beyond the visible and the immediate, relying on the deeper, often unseen, truths of God’s Word.

**5. Consider how a farmer plants seeds for practical understanding. He cannot see the harvest immediately, but he plants in faith, trusting the process and the unseen growth beneath the soil. Similarly, our acts of faith may not show instant results, but they are grounded in the trust that God is at work, often in ways we cannot immediately perceive.

6. Conclusion and Reflective Questions:
Hebrews 11:1 challenges us to examine the depth and substance of our faith. Are we trusting in God’s promises even when our circumstances suggest otherwise? Do we live in a way that reflects our belief in the unseen realities of His kingdom? Reflect on these questions and consider how you can cultivate a faith that serves as the “substance” and “evidence” of things hoped for and unseen. We can foster a faith that not only sustains us but also demonstrates the reality of God’s promises to those around us by understanding and applying this verse.

What is the evidence of our faith in God?

The evidence of our faith in God is shown through our assurance in His existence and His promises, even when we cannot physically see them. It is the confidence we have in the things we hope for and the conviction of things not seen. This kind of faith is a powerful force that allows us to trust in God’s intentions and rely on His faithfulness, even when circumstances may seem uncertain or daunting.

Believing in God and His promises requires a deep conviction that goes beyond what our physical senses can perceive. It is a spiritual understanding that enables us to have steadfast hope and trust in His plans for us, even in the midst of challenges and difficulties. Our faith in God is a testament to our acknowledgment of His sovereignty and power, guiding us to live our lives with confidence and assurance in His divine wisdom. Our faith in God serves as a foundation that shapes our perspective on life, giving us the strength to withstand adversity and the courage to walk in obedience to His will. It is a reflection of our confidence in His character and His ability to fulfill His promises. This unwavering trust in God’s faithfulness is a powerful demonstration of our belief in His existence and His loving care for us.


Life is a busy highway filled with twists and turns. Hebrews 11:1 is your GPS, pointing you towards unwavering faith no matter the detours. It tells you to trust in what you can’t see, like trusting your car will keep you safe. Will you follow this guiding light and step forward in faith, despite the uncertainties? Will you choose to drive your life powered by faith today?