What does John 10:27-28 really mean?

John 10:27-28 is about the intimate and steadfast relationship believers have with Jesus, where they listen to his voice and receive eternal life and protection from his loving care.

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.


Setting the Scene for John 10:27-28

The scene in John chapter 10:27-28 takes place in a serene countryside setting, with lush green pastures and a gentle stream flowing nearby. Jesus, the central figure in the scene, is surrounded by a group of his followers, including Peter, James, and John. They have gathered around Jesus as he teaches them about the concept of eternal life and the relationship between the shepherd and his sheep.

Jesus, using the metaphor of a shepherd and his sheep, explains to his disciples that his followers are like sheep who listen to his voice and follow him faithfully. He assures them that no one can snatch them out of his hand, emphasizing the security and protection that he provides to those who believe in him. The disciples listen intently, their faces reflecting a mix of awe and understanding as they grasp the profound spiritual truths being shared with them.

As the sun begins to set in the distance, casting a warm golden glow over the group, Jesus’ words resonate deeply with his disciples, instilling in them a sense of peace and assurance in their faith. The scene captures a moment of profound connection between the teacher and his students, as they absorb his teachings and draw closer to him in their journey of faith.

What is John 10:27-28 about?

This verse from the Bible, John 10:27-28, illustrates the intimate and loving relationship between Jesus and his followers, symbolized by the metaphor of the shepherd and his sheep. Jesus, the caring shepherd, guides and protects his flock in this analogy, representing his followers. “My sheep hear my voice” highlights the importance of listening to and following Jesus’ teachings and guidance. This implies that by staying close to Jesus and being attuned to his words, believers can navigate life’s challenges and receive spiritual direction.

The promise of eternal life and the assurance that believers shall never perish convey the profound love and mercy that Jesus offers to his followers. Jesus gives hope beyond this earthly existence and the promise of everlasting salvation by offering eternal life. This verse emphasizes the idea of eternal security and protection that believers have in Christ, reinforcing the idea that nothing can separate them from his love and care. This verse ultimately serves as a source of comfort and encouragement, reminding believers of the unwavering support and eternal blessings they receive through their faith in Jesus. Let’s consider the significance of actively listening to Jesus’ voice in our lives as we reflect on this verse. How can we deepen our relationship with him and remain attentive to his guidance amidst the noise and distractions of the world? How does the promise of eternal life shape our perspective on life’s challenges and uncertainties? Let’s find solace in the unwavering love of our shepherd, Jesus, and draw strength from the assurance that we are secure in his care, now and for all eternity.

Understanding what John 10:27-28 really means

In the discourse of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, John 10:27-28 captures the essence of the intimate relationship between Jesus and His followers. The profound words, “My sheep hear my voice,” underscore the spiritual discernment and recognition of divine guidance that believers experience. This phrase speaks to the closeness and connection that Jesus shares with those who follow Him, highlighting the importance of listening to His teachings and being attuned to His voice amidst the noise of the world.

“I know them,” Jesus declares, revealing a deep, personal knowledge and care He has for each individual who belongs to Him. This knowledge goes beyond mere acquaintance; it signifies a profound understanding and love that only the Good Shepherd can offer. To be known by Jesus is to be cherished, valued, and embraced in a way that fulfills the deepest longings of the human heart for belonging and significance.

As Jesus proclaims, “They follow me,” He calls His followers to obedience and trust in His leadership. This act of following implies a commitment to living according to His teachings, walking in His ways, and surrendering one’s will to His divine guidance. It is a conscious choice to align one’s life with the path that Jesus has laid out, trusting in His wisdom and goodness.

The promise of eternal life that Jesus offers is a beacon of hope in a world marked by uncertainty and transience. “I give them eternal life,” Jesus assures His followers, pointing to the ultimate gift of salvation and everlasting communion with God. This promise echoes throughout the Bible, resonating with the broader theme of redemption and the eternal hope that believers hold onto amidst life’s trials and tribulations.

In the midst of life’s storms and challenges, the assurance that “They shall never perish” brings comfort and security to those who place their trust in Jesus. This declaration underscores the unshakable foundation of faith that believers have in Christ, knowing that their eternal destiny is secure in His hands. The profound truth that “No one will snatch them out of my hand” speaks to the unwavering protection and authority that Jesus exercises over His followers, ensuring their safety and well-being.

These verses resonate deeply with people today, offering solace and reassurance in a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable. The imagery of Jesus as the Good Shepherd who guides, protects, and provides for His sheep speaks to the universal human longing for care, security, and belonging. In times of trial and uncertainty, the promise of eternal life and the knowledge of being known and loved by God provide a firm foundation on which to stand.

One poignant anecdote that illustrates the profound impact of these verses is the story of an individual facing a serious illness. In the midst of fear and uncertainty, this person found peace and assurance in their faith, knowing that they were held securely in Jesus’ hands. Despite the challenges they faced, the promise of eternal life and the unshakeable presence of the Good Shepherd brought comfort and strength, guiding them through the darkest valleys with unwavering love and protection.

In conclusion, John 10:27-28 encapsulates the essence of the personal relationship Jesus offers to His followers, the assurance of eternal life He promises, and the security found in Him alone. As we reflect on these profound truths, may we listen attentively for Jesus’ voice, trust in His intimate knowledge of us, and follow Him with unwavering confidence, knowing that we are eternally secure in His loving care.

How can we ensure we are listening to God?

To ensure we are listening to God, we must remember the importance of being in tune with Him. This involves opening our hearts and minds to His voice and seeking guidance through prayer, meditation, and diving into His Word. We can better understand His will and recognize His voice when He speaks to us by nurturing a close relationship with God and practicing discernment.

Furthermore, actively engaging in spiritual disciplines such as worship, fellowship with believers, and serving others can help us stay attuned to God’s voice. When our hearts are aligned with His, we are more likely to hear His guidance and respond in obedience. This constant pursuit of God and submission to His will allows us to confidently follow Him and trust in His promises of protection and eternal life. We can ultimately learn to listen to God’s voice and trust in His guidance by following the example set by Jesus as the Good Shepherd. We too can develop a deep intimacy with God that enables us to hear His voice above all others, just as sheep recognize their shepherd’s voice and follow him. This intimate connection with our Creator brings security, peace, and assurance of His constant presence in our lives.


In the hustle of work and family life, take a moment to listen and act on God’s guidance. His words are your roadmap to a fulfilling life, much like a GPS leading you home. Dive into His teachings with the same dedication you give to your career. Embrace a relationship with God that nourishes your soul just as family time strengthens your bonds. Will you seize this moment to follow His path and trust in His promises?