What does Luke 18:26 really mean?

Luke 18:26 is about how difficult it is for the wealthy to enter the kingdom of God, emphasizing the importance of humility and detachment from material possessions in one’s journey towards spiritual fulfillment.

26 Those who heard it said, “Then who can be saved?”


Setting the Scene for Luke 18:26

In Luke chapter 18, we find Jesus speaking to a rich young ruler who approaches Him with a question about inheriting eternal life. The scene is set in a bustling marketplace in a town in Judea. The rich young ruler, dressed in fine garments and accompanied by his entourage, seeks out Jesus who is known for His teachings and miracles.

As the rich young ruler approaches Jesus, the crowd around them falls silent, curious to hear the conversation between the two. The dusty streets are filled with merchants selling their wares, children playing, and the occasional beggar seeking alms. The sun beats down on the scene, creating a warm and vibrant atmosphere.

Jesus, with His disciples by His side, engages the rich young ruler in a discussion about the commandments and the man’s wealth. The tension in the air is palpable as Jesus challenges the young man to give up his possessions and follow Him. The rich young ruler’s face betrays his inner struggle as he grapples with the choice laid before him – to hold onto his wealth or to surrender it for the sake of eternal life.

What is Luke 18:26 about?

This verse reminds us of the limitations of human abilities and the boundless power of God. It emphasizes that on our own, we may encounter situations that seem impossible to overcome. We may face challenges that are beyond our control or situations that we cannot navigate without divine intervention. However, the verse also highlights the incredible power of God to make all things possible. It serves as a reassurance that no matter how daunting a task or how insurmountable a problem may seem to us, there is hope and possibility with God by our side.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the weight of a difficult situation, questioning how you could possibly find a way through it? This verse serves as a reminder that while our own strength and abilities may falter, God’s power is limitless and incomprehensible. It challenges us to have faith and trust in God’s ability to bring about solutions, even when we cannot see a way forward. So, when faced with challenges that seem too big to conquer, let us turn to God, knowing that with Him, all things are possible.

Understanding what Luke 18:26 really means

In the Gospel of Luke, we encounter a poignant moment where Jesus interacts with a rich young ruler who seeks the path to eternal life. The young man, deeply attached to his wealth, is instructed by Jesus to sell all he possesses and give to the poor. This directive, aimed at revealing the young man’s heart, leaves him sorrowful as he values his riches above spiritual treasures. Witnessing this exchange, the disciples are struck by the difficulty presented in prioritizing God over material possessions, prompting them to question, “Who then can be saved?”

This inquiry echoes a universal concern about the compatibility of wealth and salvation. Jesus’ response, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible,” underscores the inherent challenge in relinquishing worldly attachments for spiritual growth. The parallel passages in Matthew and Mark reinforce this message, emphasizing the divine intervention required to transcend human limitations. Philippians 4:13 further amplifies this theme by affirming that through Christ’s strength, we can overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable on our own.

In today’s society, where material success often defines one’s worth, the narrative of the rich young ruler resonates deeply. It compels us to evaluate our values and reassess where we place our trust and security. The juxtaposition of materialism and spirituality in this context serves as a stark reminder that true fulfillment and eternal life are not found in earthly riches but in a relationship with God.

Consider a scenario where a prosperous individual grapples with a sense of emptiness despite their wealth. The inner turmoil they experience mirrors the rich young ruler’s struggle to surrender his possessions for a higher calling. This inner conflict underscores the profound truth that genuine fulfillment and salvation come not from worldly achievements but from aligning our will with God’s purpose.

The profound statement, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible,” encapsulates the essence of faith and reliance on God’s sovereignty. It challenges us to confront our limitations and acknowledge that our efforts alone are insufficient for salvation. By placing our trust in God’s boundless power and grace, we open ourselves to the transformative work that only He can accomplish in our lives.

In conclusion, Luke 18:26 beckons us to relinquish our reliance on material wealth and human capabilities, urging us to embrace God’s omnipotence and provision. It invites us to trust in His ability to navigate the complexities of life and salvation, reminding us that true riches are found in a surrendered heart and a steadfast faith in the One who makes all things possible.

What is impossible for man but possible for God?

The verse states that what is impossible for man is possible for God. This indicates that there are certain things that humans may find to be beyond their abilities or control, but God has the power and capability to achieve them. It emphasizes the limitless power and sovereignty of God, who can overcome any obstacle or challenge that may seem insurmountable to humans. We may feel helpless or faced with seemingly impossible circumstances in many situations in our lives. It is at these moments that we are reminded that while we may have limitations, God’s power knows no bounds. We can find comfort and strength in knowing that even when things appear impossible to us, they are never beyond God’s reach. It encourages us to have faith, trust, and reliance on God to overcome obstacles that stand in our way.


In the fast-paced world we live in, filled with challenges at work and at home, it can be easy to lose faith. Yet, just like in the parable of Luke 18:26, all obstacles can be overcome with unwavering faith in God. Let go of your doubts and fears, and give yourself completely to His guidance and strength. Will you embrace this challenge and witness the miracles that can unfold in your life through the power of faith?