What does Luke 24:46 really mean?

Luke 24:46 is about Jesus telling his disciples that his suffering, death, and resurrection fulfilled the prophecies in the Scriptures and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations.

46 and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead,


Setting the Scene for Luke 24:46

In Luke chapter 24, we find the scene where Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection. The disciples are gathered together in a room in Jerusalem, filled with fear and confusion after the crucifixion of Jesus. Suddenly, Jesus appears among them, showing them his hands and feet as proof of his resurrection. The disciples are initially startled and frightened, thinking they are seeing a ghost.

Among the disciples present are Peter, John, James, Thomas, and several others who had followed Jesus during his ministry. They had been followers of Jesus for years, witnessing his miracles and teachings, but were now grappling with the reality of his resurrection. Jesus reassures them, explaining how his death and resurrection were foretold in the scriptures and that they are now witnesses to these events. The room is filled with a mix of emotions – disbelief, awe, and eventually joy as the disciples come to understand the significance of Jesus’ resurrection and the fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation.

What is Luke 24:46 about?

Jesus in this verse not only predicts his own death and resurrection but also highlights the profound significance of these events in fulfilling the scriptures and providing salvation to all humanity. Through his impending sacrifice and triumph over death, Jesus is embodying the ultimate act of love and redemption, in line with the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament.

Have you ever pondered upon the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and what it means for your own life? This verse invites us to reflect on the immense love and grace that Jesus demonstrated by willingly laying down his life for the salvation of all. It challenges us to consider the profound impact of his resurrection, which not only validated his divinity but also opened the door for us to experience eternal life and reconciliation with God. Let us marvel at the beauty of God’s plan unfolding through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as we meditate on this verse. His sacrifice was a pivotal moment in history, bringing hope and redemption to all who believe in him. It is a reminder that even in the face of death, God’s love and power prevail, offering us a new beginning and a path to eternal life.

Understanding what Luke 24:46 really means

In Luke 24:46, Jesus declares, “Thus it is written that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead.” This statement holds profound significance in understanding the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies regarding Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection. By acknowledging that His life and mission align with the Scriptures, Jesus affirms the divine plan of God revealed through prophecy. The key phrases in this verse, such as “The Christ should suffer” and “On the third day rise from the dead,” underscore the necessity of Jesus’ sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection, fulfilling the prophetic words spoken centuries before.

The Old Testament passages, like Isaiah 53:3-5 and Psalm 16:10, intricately describe the suffering and resurrection of the Messiah, which find fulfillment in Jesus’ life. These prophecies not only validate Jesus’ identity as the promised Savior but also emphasize the continuity of God’s redemptive plan throughout history. Additionally, Paul’s affirmation in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 reinforces the foundational importance of Christ’s death and resurrection in the gospel message, highlighting their centrality to Christian faith.

For believers today, Luke 24:46 offers assurance of God’s sovereign plan and meticulous fulfillment of His promises. In times of uncertainty and suffering, understanding the fulfillment of prophecy in Jesus’ life provides comfort that God is in control, working all things for the good of those who love Him. The resurrection of Jesus symbolizes victory over sin and death, offering hope of eternal life and serving as a beacon of encouragement in the midst of despair.

Reflecting on the profound truth of Jesus’ fulfillment of prophecy can strengthen faith and empower believers to confidently share the gospel with others. Just as the disciples were called to be witnesses of these events, modern-day Christians are urged to testify to the transformative power of Christ’s death and resurrection in their lives. By embracing the hope and assurance found in God’s sovereign plan and the promise of resurrection, believers can navigate life’s challenges with unwavering faith and optimism.

Consider a scenario where someone grappling with despair and hopelessness encounters Luke 24:46. As they meditate on the significance of Jesus’ suffering and resurrection, a newfound sense of hope and purpose begins to dawn within them. Just as Jesus overcame death, they realize that through faith in Him, they too can experience renewal and a fresh start. This revelation transforms their outlook, infusing them with resilience to face adversity and a renewed sense of hope for the future.

In conclusion, recognizing Jesus’ fulfillment of prophecy in Luke 24:46 is pivotal in understanding the divine orchestration of God’s redemptive plan. It serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness, the hope of resurrection, and the call to share this transformative message with the world. I encourage you to ponder how this truth impacts your daily life and interactions, drawing strength from the assurance of God’s sovereign plan and the promise of new life in Christ.

How can we understand and fulfill God’s plan for salvation?

We can understand and fulfill God’s plan for salvation by recognizing that it was necessary for Christ to suffer and rise from the dead. Jesus explains in this verse that the Scriptures foretold that the Messiah would suffer, die, and be raised on the third day. Therefore, by acknowledging and accepting Jesus as the one who fulfilled these prophecies, we are aligning ourselves with God’s plan for salvation.

To fulfill God’s plan for salvation, it is crucial to believe in the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice, Jesus paid the price for our sins, and through His resurrection, He conquered death, offering us the gift of eternal life. We embrace the central tenet of God’s plan for salvation by placing our faith in Jesus and accepting Him as our Savior.

God’s plan for salvation is ultimately about redeeming and reconciling humanity to Himself. We can experience the fullness of salvation and the restored relationship with God that He intended for us by following Jesus, accepting His sacrifice, and walking in His ways. This verse highlights the core components of God’s plan for salvation, emphasizing the crucial role of Christ’s death and resurrection in bringing about redemption and eternal life for all who believe.


Think of your life as a busy highway and Christ’s message as a carpool lane, designed to ease your journey and uplift others along the way. In Luke 24:46, we’re reminded of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection—a beacon of hope for all. As you navigate work and family, bring this message into your daily interactions. Are you ready to share this life-changing news and contribute to the positive flow around you today?