What does Matthew 25:14-20 really mean?

Matthew 25:14-20 is about the parable of the talents, illustrating the importance of wisely using the resources and abilities that God has given each person to further His kingdom.

14 “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property.
15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away.
16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more.
17 So also he who had received the two talents made two talents more.
18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money.
19 Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them.
20 And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here, I have made five talents more.’


Setting the Scene for Matthew 25:14-20

In Matthew chapter 25, Jesus tells a parable known as the Parable of the Talents. The scene is set with a wealthy man, often referred to as the master, who is preparing to go on a journey. Before leaving, he calls his servants to him and entrusts them with his property. To one servant, he gives five talents, to another two talents, and to the last servant, one talent. The talents were a form of currency in biblical times, with one talent being a significant amount of money.

The servants are chosen based on their abilities, and the master expects them to use the talents wisely and increase their value while he is away. The scene is tense as the master leaves, and the servants are left to make decisions on how to invest and grow the talents they have been given. The surroundings are likely a bustling household, with the servants feeling the weight of responsibility on their shoulders as they contemplate how to fulfill their master’s expectations.

As the story unfolds, we see how each servant responds to the trust placed in them by the master. The first two servants invest the talents and double their value, while the third servant buries his talent in the ground out of fear. This parable serves as a lesson on stewardship, faithfulness, and the importance of using our gifts and resources wisely for the glory of God.

What is Matthew 25:14-20 about?

Ah, the powerful and thought-provoking Parable of the Talents. Jesus tells a story in this scripture passage of a master who entrusts his servants with different amounts of talents (a form of currency in biblical times). The servants who use their talents wisely and multiply them are praised and rewarded, while the one who buries his talent out of fear receives punishment.

This parable conveys a profound message about stewardship, responsibility, and the importance of using our God-given gifts and resources for the betterment of the world. It challenges us to reflect on how we are utilizing our own talents, skills, and blessings in service of God’s kingdom. Are we investing them wisely to make a positive impact on others, or are we holding back out of fear or complacency? Let us consider how we can be faithful stewards of all that we have been given as we ponder the Parable of the Talents. We should embrace our unique gifts and abilities, seeking to multiply them for the glory of God and the benefit of our communities. May we be inspired to step out in faith, taking risks to advance God’s kingdom and fulfill our purpose in this world.

Understanding what Matthew 25:14-20 really means

The Parable of the Talents, found in the Gospel of Matthew, is a powerful illustration shared by Jesus to convey profound truths about stewardship and responsibility. In this parable, a man going on a journey entrusts his property to his servants, each according to their abilities. The symbolism of the man represents Jesus, who ascended to heaven and promised to return, reflecting on His eventual second coming as the master in the story. This narrative sets the stage for understanding the importance of utilizing the gifts and resources God has given us during His absence.

The distribution of talents in the parable signifies the varying gifts and responsibilities God bestows upon individuals. Just as the master in the story allocated talents based on the servants’ abilities, God equips each person uniquely according to His divine plan. This concept echoes the biblical teaching in Romans 12:6-8, emphasizing the diversity of gifts within the body of Christ and the call to use them for His glory. It challenges us to recognize and appreciate the talents we possess, regardless of their perceived magnitude.

The actions of the servants who received talents exemplify the call to diligence and faithfulness in stewardship. The servants who doubled their talents through wise investments demonstrate the importance of actively using and multiplying the resources entrusted to us. Their proactive approach reflects the biblical principle found in James 2:17, underscoring the inseparable link between faith and action. It serves as a reminder that our faith should manifest in tangible expressions of service and stewardship.

The parable’s relevance extends to contemporary life, urging individuals to be faithful stewards of their resources, talents, and opportunities. It emphasizes the significance of being faithful in small tasks, recognizing that faithfulness in minor responsibilities cultivates integrity and prepares one for greater roles. This aligns with the teaching in Luke 16:10, highlighting the correlation between faithfulness in small matters and the capacity for greater responsibilities in God’s kingdom.

Furthermore, the parable encourages us to use our gifts not for self-gain but for the betterment of others and the glorification of God. By leveraging our unique talents to serve the community and advance God’s kingdom, we fulfill our role as stewards of His grace. This resonates with the exhortation in 1 Peter 4:10, emphasizing the importance of using our gifts to bless others and reflect God’s love in tangible ways.

In conclusion, the Parable of the Talents challenges us to reflect on how we are utilizing the gifts and resources God has entrusted to us. It prompts introspection on our stewardship practices and motivates us to be faithful and diligent in serving God and others. As we ponder on this parable, may we seek wisdom and guidance to steward our talents effectively for the glory of God, knowing that our faithfulness in small beginnings can lead to significant impact and blessings in His kingdom.

How are we using and growing our talents?

We are using and growing our talents by investing and utilizing them wisely. Just like the servants in the parable who were entrusted with different amounts of talents, we each have unique gifts and abilities given to us by God. It is essential for us to identify our talents and not bury them but instead to put them to work for the glory of God and the benefit of others. We can see our talents multiply and grow by using them effectively and with diligence.

Through the parable, we are reminded that it is not enough to just have talents; we must actively work on developing and expanding them. This requires effort, perseverance, and a willingness to take risks and step out of our comfort zones. We can experience the joy of seeing our talents flourish and be used for greater purposes by being faithful stewards of the gifts we have been given. We too can hope to hear the words of affirmation from our Master when we use and grow our talents to the best of our ability, just as the servants in the parable were rewarded for their faithfulness.


Unleash your unique gifts pioneered by your Creator. Are you leveraging them in the arena of life, or are you stashing them behind the curtain of hesitance? Embrace this as your seminar to rise resolutely, deploying your talents with zeal and commitment. How will you opt to amplify the boons bequeathed upon you by the benevolent hands above?