What does Matthew 25:35-40 really mean?

Matthew 25:35-40 is about how we can show our love for God by caring for others, especially those in need, as every act of kindness towards them is seen as an act of kindness towards Him.

35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,
36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.
37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?
38 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?
39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?
40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’


Setting the Scene for Matthew 25:35-40

In Matthew chapter 25, Jesus tells a parable about the final judgment, where he separates the righteous from the unrighteous. In the scene referred to in verses 35-40, Jesus describes a moment when the King (representing himself) addresses those on his right, commending them for their acts of kindness and compassion. The setting is a grand and awe-inspiring throne room, with the King seated on a magnificent throne, surrounded by his followers.

The individuals on the right are those who have shown love and care to others in need. They are described as having fed the hungry, given drink to the thirsty, welcomed strangers, clothed the naked, and visited the sick and imprisoned. These righteous individuals are surprised by the King’s praise, as they had not realized that their actions were directly impacting the King himself.

The scene is filled with a sense of warmth and gratitude, as the King acknowledges the selfless deeds of those who showed love and compassion to their fellow human beings. This moment serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of kindness and generosity in the eyes of God, and the eternal significance of our actions towards others.

What is Matthew 25:35-40 about?

When we look at this verse, we see a profound call to love and serve all people with the same care and compassion as we would for Jesus himself. This teaching reminds us that every act of kindness, every gesture of support, and every moment of genuine connection with others is an opportunity to embody the love of Jesus in our world. It challenges us to see the presence of Jesus in every person we encounter, regardless of their background, beliefs, or circumstances. We should approach every interaction as a chance to show love and compassion, recognizing the divinity within each person we meet. How would our relationships, communities, and world be transformed if we lived out this teaching in our daily lives? This verse challenges us to go beyond superficial gestures and truly engage in caring for others in a way that reflects the deep love and compassion of Jesus. It invites us to move beyond mere words and into meaningful action, creating a world where love and service are the guiding principles in all that we do.

Understanding what Matthew 25:35-40 really means

In Matthew 25:35-40, Jesus speaks about the final judgment, where the righteous are separated from the unrighteous. This passage underscores the significance of compassion and service to others as a reflection of our faith. When Jesus says, “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,” He emphasizes the importance of providing for those in need, both physically and spiritually. Similarly, when He mentions being thirsty, a stranger, needing clothes, sick, or in prison, He highlights the value of meeting basic needs, showing hospitality, and caring for the vulnerable.

Other Bible passages echo this sentiment. James 2:14-17 stresses that faith without works is dead, emphasizing the need for action in our faith. Isaiah 58:6-7 teaches that true fasting involves sharing with the hungry and sheltering the homeless. Hebrews 13:2 encourages hospitality, reminding us that we may unknowingly entertain angels. These passages reinforce the call to active compassion and service in our communities, reflecting our love for God through our actions.

Today, this message remains relevant as it urges us to see Christ in everyone, especially in the marginalized and needy. It challenges us to live out our faith through tangible acts of kindness and service. Anecdotes of communities rallying to support those in need illustrate how small gestures can profoundly impact lives, embodying the teachings of Jesus. These stories remind us that our daily interactions present opportunities to serve others and, in doing so, serve Christ Himself.

In conclusion, Matthew 25:35-40 compels us to live out our faith through acts of service and compassion. It prompts us to actively seek ways to extend kindness and support to those around us, recognizing that in serving others, we are serving Christ. Let us heed this call to love our neighbors as ourselves, embodying the essence of Christian faith in our everyday lives.

How can we show love by serving others?

We can show love by serving others through acts of kindness and compassion. When we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the sick, and care for those in prison, we are demonstrating our love for others. These simple acts of service not only provide for someone’s physical needs but also show that we care for them and value them as individuals. We show that we see each person as important and worthy of love and dignity by serving others in these ways. It is through these acts of service that we can truly make a difference in someone’s life and show them the love that God has for each of us. We are called to serve others selflessly and with a loving heart, just as Jesus did during his time on earth. We truly serve and express our love for God by serving others.


Think of life as a busy workplace and your family as a team effort. When someone on your work crew or at home is struggling, do you step up to help? Just like in Matthew 25:35-40, it’s our duty to show compassion and support. Take action today—reach out to someone in need, offer a meal, lend a hand. Are you ready to be the difference-maker in someone’s life, just as Jesus taught us?