What does Matthew 7:15-20 really mean?

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”
16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit.
18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.
19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.


Setting the Scene for Matthew 7:15-20

In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus is delivering the Sermon on the Mount to a large crowd gathered on a mountainside near the Sea of Galilee. The scene is serene, with the gentle lapping of the water in the background and the warm sun shining down on the listeners. Among the crowd are his disciples, eager to learn from their teacher, as well as many curious onlookers who have come to hear this renowned preacher.

As Jesus continues to speak, he warns the crowd about false prophets who come disguised as sheep but are actually ravenous wolves. He uses vivid imagery to convey the importance of discerning true teachings from deceptive ones, comparing them to good and bad fruit on a tree. The listeners are captivated by his words, hanging on every word as he imparts this valuable lesson on discernment and wisdom.

The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as Jesus concludes his teaching, leaving the crowd with a powerful message about recognizing false prophets by their fruits. The disciples are left pondering this important lesson, knowing that they must be vigilant in discerning truth from deception as they continue to spread the teachings of Jesus.

What is Matthew 7:15-20 about?

This verse from the Bible, specifically Matthew 7:15-20, warns us to be cautious of people claiming to speak for God but whose actions and teachings do not align with His word. You can identify a false prophet by their deeds and the results of their teachings, just as you can identify a tree by its fruits. Are they leading others astray or bringing them closer to God? Are their actions in line with the values and teachings of Jesus? These are important questions to ask when encountering spiritual leaders or influencers. This verse emphasizes the importance of discerning character and authenticity in our spiritual leaders by urging us to focus on the “fruits” of these individuals. This not only protects us from being misled but also ensures that we are following those who truly reflect God’s will. So, when you come across someone claiming to be a prophet or spiritual guide, take a closer look at their actions, teachings, and the impact they have on those around them. Are they bearing good fruits that align with the values of love, compassion, and integrity? We can protect ourselves from being led astray and uphold the truth of God’s word in our lives by being vigilant and discerning.

Understanding what Matthew 7:15-20 really means

Structure for Commentary:
1. Introduction
2. Examination of Key Phrases
3. Broader Biblical Context
4. Relevance Today
5. Anecdote for Illustration
6. Reflection and Application


1. Introduction:
The passage in question serves as a powerful warning and a guide for discernment. It calls us to be vigilant and cautious, recognizing that appearances can be deceiving. This text is crucial for anyone seeking to live a life aligned with God’s truth, as it provides practical wisdom on how to judge the authenticity of others, especially those who claim to speak for God.

2. Examination of Key Phrases:
The phrase “beware of false prophets” immediately captures our attention, urging us to be on guard. False prophets are described as coming “in sheep’s clothing,” meaning they appear harmless and trustworthy on the surface. However, inwardly, they are “ravenous wolves,” indicating their true destructive nature. The metaphor of “wolves” suggests danger and malice, emphasizing the need for careful discernment.

3. Broader Biblical Context:
The concept of false prophets is not unique to this passage. Jeremiah 23:16 warns in the Old Testament, “Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes.”” Similarly, in the New Testament, 1 John 4:1 advises, “Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.” These references underscore the recurring biblical theme of vigilance and discernment.

**4. Countless sources bombard us with information and opinions in today’s world. Social media, news outlets, and even some religious leaders can spread misleading or harmful messages. This passage is incredibly relevant, reminding us to critically evaluate the messages we receive and the people who deliver them. It encourages us to look beyond appearances and assess the “fruits” of their actions and teachings.

**5. A church member was swayed by a charismatic leader promising prosperity and happiness, as an illustration. The leader’s words were enticing, but over time, it became clear that his actions were self-serving and harmful to the community. This individual’s experience mirrors the warning in the passage, highlighting the importance of discerning true intentions and the real impact of someone’s actions.

**6. We should ask ourselves as we reflect on this passage: Are we discerning enough in our judgments? Do we evaluate the “fruits” of those who influence us? This passage calls us to be vigilant, not just for our sake but for the well-being of our community. Let’s take this wisdom to heart, striving to foster an environment where truth and integrity prevail. This passage from Matthew reminds us that appearances can be deceiving and urges us to be diligent in our discernment. By examining the “fruits” of others’ actions, we align ourselves with God’s wisdom, protecting ourselves and our communities from harm.

How can we discern false prophets?

Jesus warns his followers in the passage to be wary of false prophets who come to them in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. This imagery serves to illustrate that false prophets may initially appear to be harmless and well-intentioned, but their true nature is deceitful and destructive. He goes on to explain that a person can discern false prophets by examining their fruits, suggesting that a tree is known by its fruit. Good trees bear good fruit, while bad trees bear bad fruit. Therefore, one can recognize false prophets by evaluating their actions and the outcomes of their teachings.

This passage emphasizes the importance of discernment and critical thinking when it comes to evaluating spiritual leaders and their teachings. It encourages believers to look beyond outward appearances and instead focus on the moral character and integrity of those claiming to be prophets. One can determine whether they are genuine or false prophets by assessing the fruits of their labor, such as the impact of their teachings on individuals and communities. This passage serves as a reminder to be vigilant and cautious in following spiritual leaders, urging believers to prioritize righteousness and truth in their discernment.


Imagine navigating the modern hustle, where countless voices claim to know the way. Just as you protect your family and excel at work, it’s crucial to safeguard your faith. Ground yourself in Scripture, much like you ground yourself in daily routines and goals. Dive deep, seek understanding, and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. Will you commit to being a vigilant spiritual seeker, unwavering amidst the noise?