What does Philippians 2:7 really mean?

Philippians 2:7 is about Jesus willingly setting aside his divine privileges and taking on the form of a servant in order to humbly serve humanity.

7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.


Setting the Scene for Philippians 2:7

The scene in Philippians 2:7 takes place in the heavenly realm before the incarnation of Jesus on earth. The verse describes Jesus willingly taking on the form of a servant, being made in human likeness. In this heavenly setting, we can imagine the divine council where God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are present.

The atmosphere is one of reverence and awe as the decision is made for Jesus to humble Himself and take on human form to fulfill the redemptive plan for humanity. The angels might be present, witnessing this profound moment in the divine plan of salvation. Jesus, in His pre-incarnate form, is surrounded by the glory and majesty of heaven, yet He willingly chooses to set aside His divine privileges to become a servant for the sake of humanity.

The decision to take on human form is a pivotal moment in the history of redemption, demonstrating the depth of God’s love and His willingness to go to great lengths to reconcile humanity to Himself. This scene captures the selfless nature of Jesus and sets the stage for His earthly ministry, culminating in His sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of the world.

What is Philippians 2:7 about?

This verse from the Bible is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ humility and servanthood. Despite being the Son of God, Jesus chose to lower himself and take on the form of a servant. Think about that for a moment – the King of Kings and Lord of Lords willingly took on the role of a servant. This act of humility is a profound example for all of us to follow. It shows us the importance of serving others, putting their needs above our own, and approaching life with a spirit of humility and selflessness. We are challenged to examine our own lives as we reflect on this verse. Are we willing to humble ourselves and serve others, even when it is inconvenient or uncomfortable? Are we willing to set aside our own desires and ambitions in order to meet the needs of those around us? Jesus’ example of servanthood calls us to a higher standard of living – one marked by humility, compassion, and a willingness to put others first. Let us strive to follow in his footsteps and embody the spirit of a servant in all that we do.

Understanding what Philippians 2:7 really means

Philippians 2:7, nestled within the Christ Hymn of Philippians 2:5-11, illuminates the profound humility and sacrificial love embodied by Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul penned this letter to the church in Philippi, urging them to emulate Christ’s selflessness and unity. The phrase “made himself nothing” encapsulates Jesus’ deliberate choice to relinquish His divine glory, embracing human limitations and suffering for the sake of humanity. This act of self-emptying signifies a radical departure from the world’s standards of power and prestige, emphasizing servanthood and humility as virtues to be cherished.

“Taking the very nature of a servant,” portrays Jesus not as a lofty ruler but as a humble servant, demonstrating a radical inversion of societal norms. By assuming human likeness, Jesus bridged the gap between divinity and humanity, embodying the essence of compassion and solidarity with mankind. John 1:14 echoes this sentiment, underscoring the profound truth of the Incarnation, where the divine Word became flesh to dwell among us, revealing God’s love in tangible form.

Mark 10:45 reinforces Jesus’ identity as a servant-leader, emphasizing His mission to serve and sacrifice for the redemption of many. Similarly, 2 Corinthians 8:9 highlights the paradox of Jesus’ richness transforming into poverty for the enrichment of humanity. These passages collectively emphasize the radical nature of Christ’s selflessness and the transformative power of His sacrificial love.

In a contemporary context, the message of Philippians 2:7 remains profoundly relevant. In a culture fixated on self-promotion and individual success, Jesus’ example challenges us to embrace humility and prioritize service to others. By embodying Christ’s humility and sacrificial love, we can cultivate deeper relationships and foster a sense of community grounded in compassion and mutual support.

Consider the narrative of a successful executive who, despite his status and demanding schedule, chooses to serve at a homeless shelter. His actions not only provide practical assistance but also inspire others to engage in acts of service and generosity. This anecdote mirrors the transformative impact of embodying Christ-like humility and service in our daily lives, catalyzing positive change within our spheres of influence.

Philippians 2:7 beckons us to reevaluate our values and actions, urging us to emulate Christ’s example of humility and service. By embodying these virtues, we can radiate the love of Christ, fostering a culture of compassion, selflessness, and unity in a world hungering for genuine connection and sacrificial love.

How can we cultivate humility in our lives?

Cultivating humility in our lives can be achieved by imitating the example of Christ, as mentioned in Philippians 2:7. We can prioritize the needs and well-being of others above our own by adopting a mindset of humility. This involves showing respect, actively listening, and considering the perspectives and feelings of those around us.

Humility also involves acknowledging our own limitations, weaknesses, and mistakes. We can approach situations with an open mind and a willingness to grow by recognizing that we are not perfect and that we can learn from our experiences. This self-awareness can lead to a greater sense of empathy, understanding, and compassion towards others.

Furthermore, practicing gratitude is a key component of cultivating humility. We can develop a sense of contentment and perspective by expressing appreciation for the blessings and opportunities in our lives. This gratitude can help us stay grounded and remind us of the interconnectedness of all beings, fostering a spirit of humility in our interactions and relationships.


Let’s embrace the spirit of selflessness and humility demonstrated by Jesus Christ in Philippians 2:7. Let’s serve others without expecting applause, just as Jesus did when He sacrificed Himself on the cross. By prioritizing others’ well-being over our own desires, we can spread love and kindness. Will you walk this path of humble service and selfless love with me every day?