What does Revelation 17:1-5 really mean?

Revelation 17:1-5 is about the depiction of a great prostitute symbolizing spiritual corruption and idolatry, seducing people with false teachings and leading them away from true faith.

1 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on many waters,
2 with whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality, and with the wine of whose sexual immorality the dwellers on earth have become drunk.”
3 And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns.
4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality.
5 And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.”


Setting the Scene for Revelation 17:1-5

In Revelation chapter 17, the scene opens with the apostle John being carried away in the Spirit to a desert. As he arrives, he sees a woman sitting on a scarlet beast covered in blasphemous names. The woman is dressed in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls, holding a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. On her forehead is written a mysterious name, “Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth.”
Surrounding the woman and the beast are seven heads and ten horns, symbolizing great power and authority. The woman is drunk with the blood of the saints and the witnesses of Jesus. John is both amazed and horrified by what he sees, as the angel explains to him the meaning of the vision. The woman represents a great city that rules over the kings of the earth, engaging in spiritual adultery and leading many astray with her deceptive ways.

As John takes in the surreal and ominous sight before him, he realizes the gravity of the situation and the spiritual warfare at play. The scene is filled with symbolism and prophetic imagery, painting a vivid picture of the spiritual corruption and deception that will characterize the end times. The tension is palpable as John grapples with the significance of what he is witnessing and the implications for the future of humanity.

What is Revelation 17:1-5 about?

The imagery of the great prostitute in Revelation 17:1-5 represents the seduction of earthly power and wealth, which can lead individuals and societies astray from their true purpose and values. The judgment on the prostitute symbolizes the consequences of prioritizing material gain and worldly pleasures over spiritual enrichment and moral integrity.

This passage serves as a warning against the temptations of greed, corruption, and immorality that can corrupt our souls and distance us from God’s presence. It challenges us to examine our own actions and intentions, encouraging us to prioritize righteousness, compassion, and humility in all aspects of our lives. We may be compromising our values for the sake of temporary pleasures or material gain as we reflect on this verse. How can we resist the allure of worldly temptations and stay true to our faith and principles? We should strive to live with integrity and wisdom, choosing the path of righteousness even when faced with the seductive illusions of the world.

Understanding what Revelation 17:1-5 really means

In Revelation 17:1-5, we delve into John’s vision of the end times, where he witnesses the judgment of the great prostitute. This symbolic figure represents the corrupt systems and false religions that lead people astray from God’s truth and righteousness. Throughout biblical literature, the imagery of a “great prostitute” and “Babylon” often signifies idolatry, immorality, and opposition to God, highlighting the pervasive nature of sin and spiritual decay.

The passage opens with “One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls,” referencing the angels and bowls of God’s wrath previously mentioned in Revelation 16. This sets the stage for the unfolding judgment and the divine justice that will be revealed. The angel’s invitation to witness the punishment of the great prostitute underscores God’s righteousness and the consequences of straying from His ways.

The description of the great prostitute sitting by many waters symbolizes her widespread influence and power over the nations. The mention of kings committing adultery with her signifies the spiritual unfaithfulness of leaders and nations, succumbing to the allure of false teachings and corrupt systems. The metaphor of the inhabitants of the earth being intoxicated with her adulteries paints a vivid picture of how people are seduced and led astray by sin and deception.

Even in today’s world, the themes of corruption, false teachings, and moral decay remain prevalent. It is crucial for individuals to exercise discernment and remain steadfast in God’s teachings amidst a culture filled with distractions and temptations. By reflecting on the message of Revelation 17:1-5, we are reminded of the importance of seeking truth and righteousness in a world that often leads us astray.

Consider Jeremiah 51:7, which likens Babylon to a golden cup in the Lord’s hand, making the nations drunk with her seductive ways. Similarly, 1 John 2:15-17 warns against loving the world and its desires, echoing the dangers of spiritual adultery and the allure of worldly pleasures. These cross-references further emphasize the timeless relevance of resisting the corrupt influences that seek to draw us away from God.

In conclusion, let us ponder on how we can avoid the pitfalls of spiritual adultery and remain faithful to God in a world filled with temptations. May we seek God’s guidance and strength to navigate through the complexities of life, staying true to His word and resisting the alluring but destructive paths that lead us away from His love and truth.

What is the nature of our true spiritual allegiance?

Our true spiritual allegiance is with God and His kingdom. This verse reminds us not to be swayed by the temptations and seductions of the world, represented as the great prostitute. Instead, we are called to remain faithful to God and His teachings, staying pure in our beliefs and actions. We can resist the allure of worldly distractions and focus on nurturing a deep and meaningful relationship with God by recognizing the significance of our spiritual allegiance. Our true spiritual allegiance lies in seeking and serving God wholeheartedly in a world filled with transient pleasures and false idols. We find fulfillment and purpose beyond the temporary satisfactions that the world offers by aligning ourselves with His will. Through this allegiance, we are assured of His guidance, protection, and eternal love, leading us towards a path of righteousness and spiritual growth. We must remain steadfast in our devotion to God, unwavering in our faith, and committed to His teachings to ensure that our spiritual allegiance remains pure and unshakeable.


Let’s navigate through Revelation 17:1-5, deciphering real spiritual wisdom amidst misleading distractions. It’s crucial to stay strong in our beliefs, filtering out falsehoods and staying true to God’s message. This verse is a compass, directing us to stand firm in the face of deceit. Can we commit to diving deeper into Scripture, anchoring ourselves in the teachings of Christ for strength and clarity?