What does Revelation 3:14-22 really mean?

Revelation 3:14-22 is about a message from Jesus to the church of Laodicea, warning them of their lukewarm faith and calling them to repentance and renewed zeal in their relationship with Him.

14 “And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation.
15 “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot!
16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.
17 For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.
19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
21 The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.
22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.


Setting the Scene for Revelation 3:14-22

The scene in Revelation 3:14-22 takes place in the city of Laodicea, a wealthy and prosperous city in ancient Asia Minor. The letter is addressed to the church in Laodicea, a community of believers who have become lukewarm in their faith. The letter is from Jesus Christ, who is described as the “faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.”
In this scene, the members of the church in Laodicea are gathered together to hear the message from Jesus. The room they are in is likely a meeting place or a house church, with simple furnishings and a sense of community. The believers have come together to worship and receive guidance from their Lord and Savior.

As Jesus speaks to the church in Laodicea, he admonishes them for their lukewarm faith and urges them to repent and turn back to him. The scene is filled with tension as the believers grapple with the realization that they have strayed from their first love. Jesus offers them the opportunity to renew their faith and invites them to open the door to him so that he may come in and dine with them. The scene is a powerful reminder of the importance of staying faithful and devoted to God in all circumstances.

What is Revelation 3:14-22 about?

Imagine walking through a garden where some plants are thriving and blooming beautifully, while others are wilting and struggling to survive. This verse is a powerful reminder that our faith and dedication to God should be vibrant and unwavering, like the flourishing plants in the garden. Jesus is challenging us to reflect on the intensity of our commitment to our faith – are we truly on fire for the Lord, or are we simply going through the motions, lukewarm in our devotion? Jesus is urging us in this verse to repent and turn away from a half-hearted, lukewarm approach to our relationship with Him. He desires our wholehearted devotion and passion for Him. Jesus is offering us the opportunity to realign our hearts and priorities with His will by calling for repentance, allowing us to experience the fullness of His blessings and promises. Our faith also requires nourishment, care, and a fervent spirit to truly bear fruit in our lives, just as plants need the right conditions to flourish.

Furthermore, Jesus promises incredible blessings to those who overcome the temptation of lukewarm faith and remain steadfast in their devotion to Him. This verse serves as a gentle yet firm call to action – to rekindle the fire of our faith, to seek forgiveness and renewal, and to press on with perseverance and faithfulness, knowing that the rewards for overcoming will be far greater than we can imagine. Let us take this message to heart and strive to live out our faith with passion, purpose, and unwavering dedication.

Understanding what Revelation 3:14-22 really means

In the Book of Revelation, specifically in the letters to the seven churches, we come across a poignant message directed at the church in Laodicea. This message serves as a spiritual diagnosis and a call to repentance for a church that had grown complacent and self-sufficient. The key phrases in this passage hold significant meanings that shed light on the spiritual state of the Laodiceans. Christ is described as “The Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation,” emphasizing His authority and sovereignty over all. The metaphor of being “neither cold nor hot” highlights the church’s lukewarm faith, a state of complacency and self-satisfaction that Christ finds unacceptable.

The vivid imagery of Christ about to “spit you out of my mouth” underscores the severity of their spiritual condition and His rejection of their lukewarmness. The Laodiceans’ self-sufficiency and materialism, boasting, “I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing,” blinds them to their true spiritual poverty. Christ’s counsel to “buy from me gold refined in the fire” offers true spiritual wealth through faith and refinement, urging them to seek what truly matters. The call to repentance is rooted in love, as Christ disciplines those He loves, urging earnestness and a genuine turning back to Him.

This passage resonates with people today, especially in affluent societies, where spiritual complacency and reliance on material wealth can lead to a lukewarm faith. It serves as a wake-up call to examine our spiritual lives, acknowledge our need for Christ, and pursue a deeper, more fervent relationship with Him. The invitation to fellowship with Christ, symbolized by Him standing at the door and knocking, remains relevant, offering hope and the promise of a personal, intimate relationship with the Savior.

Consider the story of a successful individual who, despite worldly achievements, feels a void within. Upon encountering this passage, they realize the neglect of their spiritual life and embark on a journey to deepen their relationship with Christ, discovering true fulfillment beyond material success. The message to the Laodicean church serves as a poignant reminder of the perils of spiritual complacency and materialism, prompting us to introspect, repent, and recommit ourselves to Christ. By opening the door to Him, we can access genuine spiritual richness and experience the joy of intimate fellowship with our Savior.

How can we overcome spiritual lukewarmness?

We can overcome spiritual lukewarmness by recognizing our need for spiritual fervor and passion. God desires us to be either hot or cold in our commitment to Him, as stated in the verse in Revelation, because being lukewarm is displeasing to Him. We can begin to overcome this spiritual complacency by acknowledging our lukewarmness and humbly seeking a renewed fervor for God.

Prayer and seeking a deeper relationship with God is vital in overcoming spiritual lukewarmness. We can reignite our passion for Him and deepen our spiritual walk by regularly spending time in prayer, studying the Bible, and actively seeking God’s will for our lives. It is through this intentional effort and seeking after God that we can overcome the apathy and complacency that leads to being lukewarm in our faith.

Additionally, being part of a supportive Christian community can help us overcome spiritual lukewarmness. Surrounding ourselves with fellow believers who are passionate about their faith can encourage and challenge us to grow in our own spiritual fervor. Engaging in fellowship, worship, and service with other Christians can provide accountability and support as we strive to overcome lukewarmness and pursue a deeper, more vibrant relationship with God.


Are you ready to reignite the fire in your heart and fully commit to serving God with passion and devotion? Let the words of Revelation 3:14-22 be a catalyst for a renewed sense of purpose in your spiritual journey. Embrace the call to wholeheartedly serve the Lord and rekindle your faith with fervor. It’s time to reflect on your actions and attitudes towards God, and take proactive steps to strengthen your relationship with Him. Will you answer this divine invitation with zeal and dedication, ready to embark on a transformative journey in God’s Kingdom?