What does Romans 8:17 really mean?

17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.


Setting the Scene for Romans 8:17

In Romans chapter 8, we find a powerful scene where the apostle Paul is addressing a group of early Christians in Rome. The setting is a small, dimly lit room in a Roman house church. The room is filled with a diverse group of believers from different backgrounds and social statuses, gathered together to hear Paul’s teachings on the faith.

Among the attendees are men and women, slaves and free individuals, all united in their shared belief in Jesus Christ. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as Paul speaks passionately about the concept of believers being “heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17). The listeners lean in, captivated by Paul’s words as he explains the profound implications of their identity as children of God.

As Paul continues to expound on the idea of suffering and glory, the room is filled with a sense of unity and purpose. The believers are encouraged to persevere in their faith, knowing that their present struggles are nothing compared to the future glory that awaits them. In this intimate gathering, the message of hope and redemption in Christ resonates deeply with each person present, strengthening their resolve to live out their faith in a world filled with challenges.

What is Romans 8:17 about?

This verse from the book of Romans reveals a profound truth about our identity as followers of Christ. It highlights the incredible privilege and honor we have as believers to be considered heirs of God. Just pause for a moment to let that sink in – heirs of the Creator of the universe, the Almighty and Everlasting God. What an amazing inheritance we have been given! This inheritance isn’t just a material possession; it’s the promise of eternal life, of being part of God’s family, and of sharing in His kingdom.

Furthermore, the verse speaks of being co-heirs with Christ, sharing in His glory. This means that as believers, we are united with Christ in a special relationship where we share in His blessings and honor. If we stop to think about it, it’s truly mind-blowing that we are called to share in the glory of the one who conquered death and sin, the one who sits at the right hand of God. That’s the level of favor and love that God has for us – to share in the same glory as His own Son. So, let us live our lives with the confidence and assurance that we are not just ordinary individuals, but heirs of God, co-heirs with Christ, and partakers of His glory.

Understanding what Romans 8:17 really means

Structure for Commentary:
1. Introduction and Context
2. Explanation of Key Phrases
3. Cross-References to Other Passages
4. Relevance to Contemporary Life
5. Anecdote for Illustration
6. Reflective Questions for the Reader


Introduction and Context:
Romans 8:17 is a profound verse that speaks to our identity and inheritance as Christians. Paul’s letter to the Romans delves deep into the nature of salvation, righteousness, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Paul emphasizes our relationship with God and the implications of being His children in this specific verse.

Explanation of Key Phrases:
The phrase “heirs of God” is particularly significant. Being an heir implies a special status, one that includes privileges and responsibilities. This is not just about future glory but also about our current standing before God. We, as heirs, receive His promises and blessings.

“Joint-heirs with Christ” further elevates this concept. It means that we share in the inheritance of Jesus Himself. This isn’t a mere symbolic statement; it’s a declaration of our unity with Christ in both suffering and glory. Jesus, in His humanity, endured suffering and was glorified, setting a pattern for us.

Cross-References to Other Passages:
To deepen our understanding, consider Galatians 4:7, which states, “So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.” This reaffirms our identity and inheritance in Christ. Similarly, 1 Peter 1:4 speaks of an inheritance that “can never perish, spoil or fade.” These passages collectively highlight the eternal nature of our inheritance and the transformation from slavery to sonship. External factors like achievements, possessions, or social status often shape identity in today’s world. This verse reminds us of a deeper, unshakeable identity rooted in our relationship with God. It calls us to live not as people defined by the world’s standards, but as God’s children, with a promise of eternal inheritance. A young man who grew up in a broken home, feeling unloved and unwanted, should be considered. When he was adopted by a loving family, his entire world changed. He was given a new name, a place to belong, and a future filled with hope. This is similar to what happens to us spiritually. God adopts believers into His family, gives them a new identity, and promises them an eternal inheritance.

Reflective Questions for the Reader:
– How does knowing you are an heir of God influence the way you see yourself?
– What are some ways you can live out this identity in your daily life?
– How can you share this message of hope and inheritance with others who feel lost or without purpose? We can deepen our understanding of our identity in Christ and live out our faith with renewed purpose and joy by contemplating these questions and the profound truths of Romans 8:17.

How can we share in Christ’s sufferings?

We can share in Christ’s sufferings by being willing to endure hardships and trials for the sake of His name and his glory. This means that we are also willing to face persecution, rejection, and challenges in our faith, just as Christ did during His time on earth. Choosing to follow Christ and live for Him aligns us with His purposes and His will, which may lead to suffering and difficulties.

Sharing in Christ’s sufferings also involves being obedient to His teachings and commands, even when it goes against the values and expectations of the world. This may mean sacrificing our own comfort, reputation, or desires in order to stay true to our faith. We can draw closer to Christ and deepen our relationship with Him as we persevere in the face of trials and suffering, experiencing His comfort, strength, and peace amidst the challenges we face.

Through sharing in Christ’s sufferings, we can also grow in our understanding of His love, mercy, and sacrifice for us. We can experience His presence in a deeper and more intimate way and become a living testimony of His grace and power in our lives by choosing to walk the path of suffering with Christ. Sharing in Christ’s sufferings can ultimately bring about a transformation in us, shaping us more into His likeness and strengthening our faith and trust in Him.


Think of yourself as having a shared seat at the highest table, right next to Christ. You are destined for greatness and an everlasting legacy. This powerful truth should change how you see your daily grind and family life, sparking your faith and pushing you to live courageously. Will you now stride confidently in this knowledge, taking on your life’s mission with unshakeable resolve and joy?