What does Luke 9:62 really mean?

62 Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”


Setting the Scene for Luke 9:62

In Luke chapter 9, we find Jesus on a journey with his disciples. As they travel through various towns and villages, they encounter different people along the way. One particular scene that stands out is when Jesus is approached by a man who expresses his desire to follow him. Jesus responds by saying, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
The setting is a dusty road with the sun beating down on the group as they walk. The man who approaches Jesus is a young farmer who has heard of Jesus’ teachings and miracles. Intrigued by the possibility of being a part of something greater than himself, he decides to seek out Jesus and offer his services. The disciples, who have been with Jesus for some time now, watch the interaction with curiosity and perhaps a hint of jealousy at the attention the newcomer is receiving.

As the conversation unfolds, Jesus uses the analogy of plowing a field to illustrate the importance of commitment and focus in following him. The man, realizing the weight of Jesus’ words, must make a decision whether to fully commit to the journey ahead or to turn back to his familiar life. The scene captures the tension between the call to discipleship and the comfort of the known, challenging all present to consider their own level of dedication to the kingdom of God.

What is Luke 9:62 about?

This verse reminds us of the importance of wholehearted dedication and loyalty in our journey of faith. Jesus calls us to follow Him with unwavering commitment, fully trusting in His guidance and promises. Just as a farmer who looks back while plowing a field will veer off course, our focus should remain steadfastly fixed on Christ as we navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.

Have you ever found yourself hesitating or second-guessing your commitment to following Jesus? This verse speaks to the need for us to let go of past distractions, doubts, and worries, and instead keep our eyes on the path laid out before us by our Savior. We can experience the fullness of the abundant life He has promised us by truly surrendering ourselves to Him and pressing forward without looking back.

So, let us reflect on our level of commitment to following Jesus. Are there areas in our lives where we are holding back or looking back instead of moving forward in faith? We should strive to emulate the example of unwavering dedication set forth by Jesus, trusting in His plan for our lives and walking boldly into the future with Him by our side.

Understanding what Luke 9:62 really means

Commentary Structure:
1. Introduction and Context
2. Key Phrases and Their Meanings
3. Cross-Referencing Other Scriptures
4. Relevance to Contemporary Life
5. Anecdote for Illustration
6. Jesus is speaking to His disciples about the cost of following Him in this verse. The context involves a series of interactions where individuals express a desire to follow Jesus but have various reservations and excuses. This verse serves as a powerful statement about the nature of commitment and the undivided focus required to be a true disciple.

Key Phrases and Their Meanings:
The phrase “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God” is rich with agricultural imagery, which would have been very familiar to Jesus’ audience. “Putting a hand to the plow” signifies beginning a task or commitment. Committing to the journey of discipleship means in this context. “Looks back” implies hesitation or regret, akin to Lot’s wife looking back at Sodom. The idea of being “fit for service” suggests readiness and suitability for a task that requires full attention and dedication.

Cross-Referencing Other Scriptures:
This concept of unwavering commitment is echoed in other parts of the Bible. For instance, in Philippians 3:13-14, Paul speaks about “forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,” which reinforces the idea of focused dedication. Similarly, in Hebrews 12:1-2, believers are encouraged to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.”

Relevance to Contemporary Life:
Today, distractions abound. Social media, work pressures, and personal issues can easily divert our attention from our spiritual commitments. This verse challenges us to evaluate what might be drawing our focus away from our faith. Are we fully committed to following Jesus, or are we allowing ourselves to be sidetracked by lesser concerns? A young athlete is training for a marathon. She starts her training with enthusiasm but keeps checking her phone for messages. Each time she does, her pace falters, and her progress slows. If she were to fully concentrate on her training, her performance would improve significantly. Similarly, in our spiritual journey, half-hearted efforts and divided attention impede our growth and effectiveness.

Conclusion and Reflection:
This verse calls us to a higher standard of dedication. It asks us to reflect on our own lives and consider what “plows” we have put our hands to and whether we are looking back. Jesus’ call to follow Him is not a casual invitation but a profound commitment that requires our full attention and devotion. Reflect on your own life: Are you looking back, or are you moving forward with unwavering focus on your spiritual journey?

What is holding me back from following God wholeheartedly?

What may be holding you back from following God wholeheartedly is lingering attachment to your past or present circumstances. Any hesitation or reluctance to fully commit to God and His purposes may stem from a desire to hold on to what is familiar or comfortable. This can prevent you from embracing the new life and direction that God has in store for you. To follow God wholeheartedly, you must let go of anything that may hinder your complete surrender and trust in Him.

Additionally, fear or uncertainty about the future could be hindering your ability to follow God wholeheartedly. If you are preoccupied with worries about what lies ahead, it may prevent you from stepping out in faith and following God’s leading with courage and confidence. God promises to be with you always and to guide you along the path He has set before you. You can experience the peace and assurance that come from wholeheartedly following God by entrusting your future to Him and relinquishing control.

Lastly, distractions and competing priorities in your life may be diverting your focus from following God wholeheartedly. It is easy to become entangled in the busyness and demands of daily life, causing you to lose sight of your spiritual journey and relationship with God. You can break free from anything that is holding you back and wholeheartedly devote yourself to following Him by reevaluating your priorities and making intentional choices to prioritize your relationship with God above all else.


Think about Luke 9:62 and the unwavering commitment it asks for. Just as you give your all at work or for your family, following Jesus demands the same—no half-measures. Are you clinging to distractions or doubts that pull you away from your faith? It’s time to cut the ties that hinder you and dive in fully. Will you step forward and truly follow Jesus, leaving behind what holds you back?