What does Mark 9:33-37 really mean?

Mark 9:33-37 is about Jesus teaching his disciples the importance of humility and servanthood by using a child as an example, illustrating that true greatness in the kingdom of God comes from serving others selflessly.

33 And they came to Capernaum. And when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you discussing on the way?”
34 But they kept silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest.
35 And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”
36 And he took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them,
37 “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.”


Setting the Scene for Mark 9:33-37

In Mark chapter 9, we find Jesus and his disciples traveling through Galilee. As they journey, Jesus takes the opportunity to teach his disciples about humility and servanthood. The scene unfolds with the disciples walking along the dusty roads, the sun beating down on them as they listen intently to their teacher.

Among the disciples, there is a sense of anticipation and curiosity as they wonder what Jesus will teach them next. They have witnessed his miracles and heard his profound teachings, and they are eager to learn more. As they walk, some of the disciples engage in a spirited discussion about who among them is the greatest, each one vying for recognition and status.

Jesus, perceiving their conversation, gathers them together and sits down with them. He begins to explain that true greatness comes from serving others and being humble, using a child as an example. The disciples listen intently, their hearts stirred by his words as they begin to grasp the profound truth he is imparting to them. The dusty road, the heat of the sun, and the disciples’ eager faces all form the backdrop to this powerful lesson on humility and servanthood.

What is Mark 9:33-37 about?

Jesus invites us to reflect on the qualities of a child and learn from them in this verse. Children are often seen as innocent, pure, and humble beings. Jesus emphasizes the importance of humility and simplicity in our lives by referencing a child. Jesus calls us to let go of our pride and ego and adopt a humble and servant-hearted attitude, just as a child is not concerned with power, recognition, or status.

Imagine the kind of world we could create if we all embraced the qualities of a child – innocence, trust, curiosity, and humility. Jesus is challenging us to reexamine our priorities and values by using a child as an example. Are we too focused on our own status and ambitions, or are we willing to humble ourselves and serve others with love and compassion? Let us always seek to embody the purity and humility of a child in our interactions with others, striving to serve and uplift those around us.

Understanding what Mark 9:33-37 really means

In the Gospel of Mark, we find Jesus and His disciples in Capernaum, where a dispute arises among them about who is the greatest. This scenario sets the stage for a profound lesson on true greatness in the Kingdom of God, which Jesus addresses with clarity and wisdom. He asks them, “What were you arguing about on the road?” This question not only reveals Jesus’ awareness of their dispute but also serves as a pivotal moment for teaching. It highlights the common human tendency to seek status, recognition, and superiority over others, a mindset that Jesus seeks to transform.

Jesus then delivers a powerful statement that challenges conventional notions of greatness: “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” In this declaration, Jesus redefines greatness as being rooted in servanthood and humility. He emphasizes the radical inversion of worldly values in the Kingdom of God, where true greatness is found in selfless service and a willingness to put others before oneself. This teaching calls into question societal norms that prioritize power, status, and self-promotion, urging a shift towards a mindset of humility and sacrificial love.

Furthermore, Jesus uses a tangible symbol to drive home His point, taking a little child and placing them among the disciples. In that cultural context, children were often viewed as lowly and without status. By using a child as an illustration, Jesus underscores the importance of embodying humility and openness to enter the Kingdom of God. He states, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me,” highlighting the significance of valuing and serving the marginalized and overlooked in society.

This passage resonates with other biblical teachings that emphasize humility, servanthood, and valuing others above oneself. In Matthew 18:1-5, Jesus speaks about the need to become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, emphasizing qualities such as innocence, trust, and humility. Similarly, in Philippians 2:3-4, Paul encourages believers to prioritize the interests of others and to cultivate a spirit of humility and unity. The act of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet in John 13:14-15 further exemplifies servant leadership and the call to humble service.

The relevance of this teaching to contemporary society is profound. In a world that often exalts self-centered ambition and individual success, Jesus’ words challenge us to embrace a different paradigm. By shifting our focus from self-promotion to selfless service, we align ourselves with the values of the Kingdom of God. This passage invites us to actively engage in acts of kindness, compassion, and service, especially towards those who are marginalized or in need.

Consider a scenario where a corporate executive, despite their high status, chooses to volunteer at a homeless shelter one day a week. This decision reflects the principle of being “the very last, and the servant of all,” as they humbly serve those in need. Such acts of humility not only impact the lives of those they serve but also transform the executive’s understanding of true greatness. This anecdote illustrates the transformative power of embodying Jesus’ teachings on humility and service in practical ways.

In conclusion, the lesson from Mark 9:33-37 challenges us to reevaluate our definitions of success and greatness. By embracing humility, servanthood, and a heart for serving others, we embody the values of the Kingdom of God. This passage calls us to live out our faith authentically through everyday acts of kindness and service, reflecting the selfless love and compassion exemplified by Jesus Himself.

How can I cultivate humility in serving others?

Cultivating humility in serving others involves a shift in mindset towards putting others’ needs above our own and acknowledging our own limitations. We can learn to embrace a servant-hearted approach to interacting with others by reflecting on the example set by Jesus in the verse. This requires setting aside our pride and ego, and instead seeking to serve with a genuine heart of compassion and care.

One way to cultivate humility in serving others is through practicing acts of service without seeking recognition or praise. When we serve others selflessly, we demonstrate a willingness to humble ourselves and prioritize the well-being of others above our own desires. This mindset allows us to approach service with a genuine spirit of humility and a desire to uplift and support those in need. We emulate the sacrificial love shown by Jesus in the verse, and embody the essence of true humility in our interactions with others.


Think of your life as a busy workplace or a bustling family dinner. Jesus taught us to serve others and embrace humility, just like He did. It’s like taking a moment to help a coworker finish a project or listening to a friend who needs support. These acts of service can lift others up and bring meaning to our own lives. So, let’s take action today. Will you choose to make a difference and serve those around you?