What does Matthew 5:28 really mean?

28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.


Setting the Scene for Matthew 5:28

In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus is delivering the Sermon on the Mount to a large crowd gathered on a mountainside near the Sea of Galilee. The scene is serene, with the gentle breeze carrying the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The crowd is a mix of people from all walks of life, eager to hear the teachings of this renowned teacher.

Among the crowd are fishermen who have taken a break from their daily tasks, farmers who have left their fields for a moment of respite, and curious onlookers who have heard of the miracles performed by Jesus. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as Jesus begins to speak, his words carrying a weight of wisdom and authority that captivates the audience.

As Jesus speaks, he addresses various aspects of the Jewish law, challenging the traditional interpretations and offering a deeper understanding of righteousness and morality. It is in this context that he utters the famous words, “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart,” prompting his listeners to reflect on the true intentions of their hearts. The scene is one of profound teaching and introspection, as Jesus invites his audience to a higher standard of righteousness and purity.

What is Matthew 5:28 about?

Jesus is cautioning us against allowing lustful thoughts to take root in our hearts and minds in this verse. He is highlighting the significance of purity, not just in our actions, but also in our thoughts and intentions. Jesus urges us to guard our hearts and minds against impure desires that can lead us astray from living a righteous and fulfilling life by warning against lust.

Have you ever considered the power of your thoughts and intentions on your actions and character? Jesus is reminding us that purity goes beyond just our outward actions; it starts with the state of our hearts and minds. He is inviting us to cultivate a mindset that is focused on goodness, love, and respect for ourselves and others by emphasizing the importance of purity. We can actively work towards maintaining purity in all aspects of our lives as we reflect on this verse, starting from our innermost thoughts and desires. Let us align our intentions with values of integrity, respect, and love to live authentically and in harmony with the teachings of Jesus.

Understanding what Matthew 5:28 really means

To provide a comprehensive commentary on Matthew 5:28, let’s structure our discussion into several key sections: Context, Key Phrases and Their Meanings, Related Biblical Passages, Relevance Today, and Personal Reflection. We will delve into the depth of this verse and its implications for our lives with this approach.


Matthew 5:28 is part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, a foundational teaching in the New Testament where Jesus addresses various aspects of moral and ethical behavior. This sermon is known for its radical redefinition of righteousness, aiming not just at outward compliance but at inner transformation. Jesus specifically addresses the issue of lust in this verse, expanding the understanding of adultery beyond physical acts to include the intentions of the heart.

Key Phrases and Their Meanings

The phrase “anyone who looks at a woman lustfully” highlights that Jesus is emphasizing the importance of our thoughts and intentions. This isn’t merely about physical actions but extends to the very desires we entertain. The word “lustfully” indicates a deliberate and sustained desire, not just a fleeting thought. Jesus is calling us to purity not just in action but in thought.

The latter part, “has already committed adultery with her in his heart,” reinforces the concept that sin begins in the heart. Jesus is teaching that moral integrity requires us to guard not just our actions but our inner lives. This idea aligns with Proverbs 4:23, which advises, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

Related Biblical Passages

Several other passages in the Bible support and enhance the meaning of this verse. For instance, in James 1:14-15, it says, “but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” This passage echoes the idea that sin starts with our desires and thoughts.

Another relevant passage is Philippians 4:8, which instructs us to focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. We can align our hearts more closely with God’s will and avoid the pitfalls of sinful desires by filling our minds with such thoughts. The relevance of this verse is particularly poignant in today’s world, where we are constantly bombarded with images and messages that can incite lustful thoughts. The digital age has made it easier than ever to fall into the trap of lust. Jesus’ teaching here serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of guarding our hearts and minds. A married man, despite outward appearances of fidelity, finds himself increasingly drawn to inappropriate images online. Initially, he dismisses these thoughts as harmless, but over time, they begin to affect his relationship with his wife. This scenario illustrates the insidious nature of lust and how it can erode trust and intimacy in relationships. Let’s ask ourselves: What steps am I taking to guard my heart and mind as we reflect on this verse? Are there areas in my life where I need to seek God’s help in maintaining purity of thought? It’s a call to introspection and action, urging us to cultivate an inner life that reflects our outward commitments. Matthew 5:28 challenges us to elevate our understanding of righteousness to include our innermost thoughts and desires. We honor God not just with our actions but with our hearts, embodying the true spirit of His teachings.

How can we guard our hearts from temptation?

To guard our hearts from temptation, we must be vigilant in our thoughts and intentions. We should strive to focus on what is pure, noble, and honorable, resisting the urge to entertain impure thoughts or desires. We can prevent the seeds of temptation from taking root in our hearts by staying mindful of our innermost thoughts and motivations.

Additionally, setting boundaries and safeguards in place can help protect our hearts from temptation. This can include avoiding situations or environments that may lead us to sin, surrounding ourselves with positive influences, and being accountable to a trusted community or mentor. We can strengthen our resolve against temptation and remain steadfast in our faith by intentionally cultivating a healthy and supportive environment. Guarding our hearts from temptation ultimately requires us to continuously and intentionally align our thoughts and actions with God’s will. We can equip ourselves to resist temptation and uphold our commitment to living a life that honors and pleases Him by seeking His guidance through prayer, studying His word, and relying on His strength.


Think of your mind as the control center of your life, just like a manager overseeing a busy office or a parent guiding their children. Protect it against harmful thoughts like you’d secure your workspace or home. Focus on what’s pure and honorable, steering away from distractions that pull you off course. Today, will you let good thoughts lead your actions, or will you let negativity take the wheel?